Art Research Map

‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’

Galerie Christophe Gaillard

1 December 17 - 13 January 18

-> 1 DUEL – Old School vs Emerging artists

-> 2 CURATORS Stéphane Corréard vs Romain Semeteys

-> 2 ARTISTS Jean-Louis Delbès vs Ken Sortais

The notion of « emerging artist » appears a lot nowadays in exhibitions, in the press, in galleries. Does it imply it should be opposed to something else ? « Fading artist » ?

The term emerging often applies to young artists. However, youth in art can be a relative conception, which might not necessarily have to be associated with age. Or what could be said of these generations of artists who remained unknown throughout their life, only to be rediscovered after their death ?


You’ll have a hard time denying it : in a few years, through various and repeated activities, you’ve become one of the main supporters of what we call «Emerging artists». Consequently, how could I think of myself as anything else but an «Old School» representative ? Especially as in my time, I also worked towards the rediscovery of a few artists of the past who seemed essential to me.

This insult cannot be overlooked. I am therefore obligated to challenge you to an artistic duel. « Emerging Artist » versus « Living Dead », the public will pick its champion. In order for you to pay for your offense, it is on the very field of your infamy, the « Bricks & Clicks » exhibitions that I shall summon you. Pick an « emerging » artist and come hang up his work, I shall do the same with an « old » one.

Let’s meet on Friday December 1st, between 6 and 9 PM in the FrontSpace of Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 5 rue chapon. Looking forward to the challenge.


– Stéphane Corréard


‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele
‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele
Jean-Louis DELBES, Sans titre, 2003-2004
Paper glued on cardboard, wood, net, drawing clips
45 x 36 x 31 cm, Unique artwork.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography Francesco Di Bona
‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele
‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele
Jean-Louis DELBES, Sans titre, 1986
Acrylic on paper, 47 x 66,5 cm. Unique artwork
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography Francesco Di Bona
‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele
Jean-Louis DELBES, Sans titre, 2003
Oil on canvas, 130 x 130 cm. Unique artwork.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography Francesco Di Bona.
‘Bricks & Clicks #4 : The Duel’ Installation view at Galerie Christophe Gaillard, 2017.
Courtesy the artist & Galerie Christophe Gaillard. Photography: Rebecca Fanuele

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